Valentin Pauwels is a graphic designer specialising in the fields of print and screen design. He mostly designs publications, brands, websites, posters and does from time to time illustration.

Studio adress

Valentin Pauwels
Graphic Design
St. Johanns-Vorstadt 17


Worked for

Sennheiser, BMC Switzerland, Birkhäuser Verlag, Swiss National Museum Zurich, Ariadne Fabrics, Tarzan, Kaschemme, Nordstern, Abteilung Kultur Basel-Stadt, Christoph Merian Verlag, Atelier Mondial, Werk8, Stadt Liestal, Das Lokal, Jugendkultur Festival Basel, …

Enthusiastic about

skateboarding, ping pong, cat videos, indian food, art, motorcycles, running, calisthenics, avocado, playing the guitar, Indonesia, gangster rap, salmon, pizza napoli, …